

Pastoral Care

The welfare of our pupils is paramount and we firmly believe in the motto of the school’s founder, Ursula Fairfax Cholmeley, “A happy heart goes all the way”. We want all of our children to be happy at school and to be able to enjoy their education. Our teachers work hard to ensure that all of the children are catered for as individuals and children are provided with ample time with their Form Teacher to share their anxieties but equally, celebrate their successes.

Our vision is to develop in our children those qualities that cannot be defined by academic success: interpersonal skills, leadership potential, self-awareness and mental and physical stamina.

These skills are encouraged and reinforced through the school’s citizenship and pastoral social and health programme. Circle time in the Pre-Prep and tutor time in the Prep School provide a vehicle for learning and discussing these vital skills and qualities.

We believe that self-confidence, emotional intelligence and mindfulness are invaluable assets for future life.

House System

All children are part of è’s house system. There are four Houses: Agincourt, Hastings, Waterloo and Trafalgar. Children earn house points for their academic work and also for kindness, courtesy and general good behaviour. The results of the weekly house scores are announced in Friday’s Rewards Assembly with cups for the winning house and the hoisting of the winning house’s flag. There is also a treat for the winning house at the end of each term and the children in that house are able to come to school in mufti.

The house system encourages children to work as a team and to understand the value of contributing each point to their house’s total. The system also offers children the opportunity to engage with children in other year groups, working together in House contests such as the House Shout and House Orienteering competitions as well as numerous inter-house sporting competitions and House charity days.

Rewards and Sanctions

Every opportunity is taken to praise, encourage and reward children, regardless of age, for a whole range of achievements and actions. The school’s philosophy is that praise and encouragement are essential if we are to nurture happy and well-motivated children; these are far more powerful and positive as influences than sanctions and should always be used where possible in preference to sanctions.