

girl at her desk

Assessment & Reporting

We monitor every child’s progress closely through a planned programme of assessment, analysis and target setting. Children experience a range of assessments at 猫咪社区, both formal and informal; internal assessments are used to inform teaching and learning and ensure that our children have understood both skills and concepts before proceeding to the next level of learning. Formal assessments measure progress against the cohort and also nationally, to enable us to gauge each child’s potential for future schooling. No assessment processes are undertaken with unnecessary pressure and we do not have a culture of cramming, tuition or other unnecessarily stressful examination experiences.

We closely monitor progress to ensure achievement matches potential and use cognitive ability testing to benchmark this. A bespoke performance tracking vehicle is used to track every child, ensuring they are meeting their potential and working as effectively as they are able. The information collated assists us in keeping parents and pupils informed and to monitor the effectiveness of our own teaching. Pupils are fully engaged in their learning and work with the teachers in devising relevant targets to assist them in making the very best progress. 

Please see below for a diagram illustrating our ‘Progress Cycle’. 

Parents are regularly informed of pupils’ progress through a half termly grading system. Each child is measured whether they are working at year group expectations and crucially, also their attitude to learning.

Parents are invited to a number of parent consultations throughout the year which enables them to discuss their children with the relevant teachers. In addition, parents can access staff at any time, both informally after school or through a formal appointment. All parents are issued with a formal, full written report in the Summer term to highlight areas of success and where perhaps targets need further consolidation in the new academic year.